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The 10-Minute Vegetarian Cookbook
The Garden of Eden Raw Fruit & Vegetable Recipes
BACK TO BOOK LISTThis book is the result of five years of research and experimentation. It is filled with Tinnitus FAQs: What causes Tinnitus, how to deal with Tinnitus, and how to protect yourself from Tinnitus. STOP YOUR TINNITUS!
If your ears ring, buzz, hiss, whistle, or make other sounds,
you should have this new book:Stop Your Tinnitus
Phylllis Avery
And there are more FAQs about medical, natural, and alternative remedies that can relieve unwanted ringing and bothersome noises in your ears. Get this book and you will find out how and why these new remedies work.
You will learn how one person gets relief from Tinnitus by simply massaging a certain spot on her neck. You will see how a simple breathing exercise brings relief by "cleansing" the inner ears. And you will discover how making a specific sound helps some Tinnitus victims.
You will learn how changes in diet can bring wonderful relief. You will even find out about an herbal ear drop used before bedtime that can help--and a nearly forgotten prescription medication that brings relief about 76 percent of the time.
People all over the world are suffering from Tinnitus because they don't know about new natural treatments and the terrific relief that is available. Now information is available from this wonderful book. Includes glossary, 10 pages of resources, and 122 medical and scientific references. 200 Pages.
Get all the FAQs. Order Stop Your Tinnitus now.
The book is available for only $14.95 + Shipping and Handling.
To order, simply click here.You may return the book within 30 days for a refund if not satisfied.
Causes, Remedies, Recipes
You can be over indigestion and most other intestinal problems within 24 hours!Did you know that undigested food is fermented and putrefied by our intestinal flora? That this leads to sickness and diseased organs? That using commercial antacids can cause many problems including Alzheimer's disease?
This book guides you to an easy way out of such problems as abdominal pain, belching, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, distension, flatulence, gallstones, halitosis (bad breath), headaches, heartburn, hernia, nausea, pancreatis, ulcers, etc.
Included are 40 pages of recipes with foods that are compatible in digestive chemistry, plus "brown bag" and cooler lunches.
Get all the FAQs. Order Stop Your Indigestion now.
The 222-page book is available for only $14.95 + Shipping and Handling.
To order, simply click here.You may return the book within 30 days for a refund if not satisfied.
These tasty and healthful recipes are for cooks who want to
prepare super quick, super-simple, super easy nutritious meals.The major cooking method is steaming and the time ranges from six to ten minutes.
The main ingredients in all recipes are fresh vegetables.All recipes are entrees.
The soups and salads are hearty enough for a complete meal.192 no-nonsense recipes. Common foods used. Minimal use of processed foods.
Get all the FAQs. Order The 10-Minute Vegetarian Cookbook now.
The 143-page book is available for only $10.95 + Shipping and Handling.
To order, simply click here.You may return the book within 30 days for a refund if not satisfied.
BACK TO BOOK LISTThe most healthful diet we can eat is that of raw food. Raw foods have all of their nutrients, vitamins and minerals and enzymes intact. THE GARDEN OF EDEN
(2nd Edition)
Backed by volumes of evidence, a raw diet is the primary basis for dramatic weight loss, ending of illnesses, reversal of degenerated organs and conditions, rejuvination of faculties, radiant and lovely complexion, newfound energies, slower aging, and longer life!
A raw diet enables the body to speedily detoxify itself. This leads to clearer thinking and more restfull sleep, cleansing of your arteries of plaque and other crud, expulsion of alien cholesterol, and a sickness-free life.
The book contains 151 super-delicious, fat-free recipes. Dressings made without mayonnaise, salt, oil or vinegar.
Get all the FAQs. Order The Garden of Eden Raw Fruit & Vegetable Recipes now.
The 126-page book is available for only $11.95 + Shipping and Handling.
To order, simply click here.You may return the book within 30 days for a refund if not satisfied.
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