Amendment of pleadings
Court's authority to strike amended pleadings AMEND PLEA 21.21
Leave to amend, motion to strike granted with AMEND PLEA 21.17[3], MOTION STRIKE 375.22[2]
Supplemental pleadings (See subhead: Supplemental complaint)
Answer, motion to strike ANS 26.22[3]
Appearance, motion constituting MOTION STRIKE 375.19
Appellate review of MOTION STRIKE 375.23[1]
Architects, striking of pleadings in actions against MOTION STRIKE 375.11[2][a]
Attorney without authorization, form of motion and order to strike answer filed by ATTY PRACTICE 336
Automobile collision cases AUTOS 86.11[5]
Class actions, striking of pleadings in CLASS ACT 25
Constitutionally privileged conduct, striking action against (See UNFAIR COMPETITION)
Costs (See COSTS)
After striking of answer DEFAULT 205.20[8], [9], MOTION STRIKE 375.22[4]
Failure to answer or amend answer AMEND PLEA 21.17[3], DEFAULT 205.20[3]
Timely motion to strike as response that precludes taking of MOTION STRIKE 375.18
Demurrers (See DEMURRER)
Denial of motion affecting time to answer MOTION STRIKE 375.22[5]
Dissolution and related proceedings (See DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE)
Engineers, actions against MOTION STRIKE 375.11[2][a]
Entire pleading, form of notice of motion for order to strike MOTION STRIKE 375.60
Examples of pleading subject to motion to strike MOTION STRIKE 375.11[1]
Extraordinary writs, review by MOTION STRIKE 375.23[2]
Face of challenged pleading, grounds for motion appearing on MOTION STRIKE 375.12
False matter in pleadings, striking of MOTION STRIKE 375.11[1]
Filing motion to strike MOTION STRIKE 375.50[3], MOTION STRIKE 375.60[5]
Free speech, striking of pleadings in actions chilling (See SLAPP SUITS, STRIKING OF)
Governing statutes MOTION STRIKE 375.10
Grounds for motions to strike MOTION STRIKE 375.11, PRETRIAL 425.15[5][c][i]
Hearing on MOTION STRIKE 375.21
Inappropriate motions to strike MOTION STRIKE 375.14
Judgment on pleadings, motion as MOTION STRIKE 375.14[2]
Leave to amend, motion to strike granted with MOTION STRIKE 375.22[2]
Limited civil cases MOTION STRIKE 375.11[3]
Local court rule, sanctions for violation of SANCTIONS 32
Memorandum of costs (See COSTS)
Nonappealability of orders granting or denying motion to strike APPEAL NOTICE 42.12[5]
Notice requirements for MOTION STRIKE 375.16
Order granting or denying motion to strike, form of MOTION STRIKE 375.62
Portion of pleading
Form of notice of motion for order to strike MOTION STRIKE 375.61
Supplemental pleadings (See subhead: Supplemental complaint)
Procedural checklists
Moving party's checklist MOTION STRIKE 375.50
Opposing party's checklist MOTION STRIKE 375.51
Public interest intimidation suits, striking of POLLUTION 418.21
Ruling on motion MOTION STRIKE 375.20
Service of notice of motion to strike MOTION STRIKE 375.50[3], MOTION STRIKE 375.60[5]
Sexual abuse of minor, motion to strike based on noncompliance with certificate of merit requirements in actions for ABUSE 5.14[3][a]
Signature, omission of ANS 26.18[1], COMPLAINT 123.23[1], SANCTIONS 25
Statute of frauds, motion based on STAT FRAUD 530.24[1]
Statute of limitation, pleading bar of LIM ACTN 345.100[4][h]
Summary judgments (See SUMMARY JUDGMENTS)
Superior court actions, grounds in MOTION STRIKE 375.11[1]
Supplemental complaint
Notice of motion and supporting declaration to strike portion of supplemental complaint, form of AMEND PLEA 21.94
Order granting motion to strike portion of supplemental complaint, form of AMEND PLEA 21.95
Surveyors, actions against MOTION STRIKE 375.11[2][a]
Time limitations MOTION STRIKE 375.15
Unfair competition SLAPP suits (See SLAPP SUITS, STRIKING OF)
Unlawful detainer proceedings LANDLORD EVICT 333.24[2], LANDLORD EVICT 333.25
Verification, striking of pleading for insufficient VERIFY 572.17[4][a]
Without leave to amend, motion granted MOTION STRIKE 375.22[1]