William Jones
10000 Mount High Blvd.
Nowhere, California


                       COUNTY OF CALAMITY

William Jones                   ) CASE NO.  ________
    Plaintiff,                  ) MOTION FOR CONTEMPT
                                ) (CONFIDENTIAL
v.                              ) PERSONNEL MATTER)
ROBERT SMITH, father of         ) DATE:  October 12, 1999
MARY SMITH, a minor             ) TIME:  8:30 a.m.
and STATE OF CALIFORNIA         ) DEPT:  666
     Defendants.                ) 

COMES NOW William Jones and moves the above-entitled court



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to find Iholda Fylings (a deputy clerk of said court) and/or Roy LeGumé (a magistrate of said court) to be in either civil contempt or criminal contempt or both, but not in misdemeanor contempt, of the above-entitled court.

This motion involves a personnel matter relating to court personnel. For that reason as well as to protect the privacy and personal community standing of the alleged contemnors, this motion is presented to the court in confidence, known only to the alleged contemnors, witnesses, and the court. However, if the alleged contemnors or the court wish to make this matter public, William Jones has no objection.

This motion is made on the grounds that said subjects of the court willfully conspired to, and did create and enter into the record of the above-entitled court a paper falsely purporting to be a duly constituted order of said court. The consequence of said paper is to interfere with the conduct of the business of the court, and subsequently the rights of the parties to orderly due process and the authority and dignity of the court.

William Jones further moves the court to issue such orders as may be necessary to enforce the rights of the parties and the authority and dignity of the court.

These motions are based on the pleadings, records and files of the court, and the attached declarations of William Jones and Aye Sawit.


William Jones